FTSE 100 Dividend History

EPIC Name ▲ Continuous Dividend Payments Dividend Grown or Held Years of Consecutive Dividend Growth 5 Yr Div Growth Rate 10 Yr Div Growth Rate
III 3i Group 4 11.63% 23.15% Go to III Dividend History
ADM Admiral Group 0 -7.64% -1.42% Go to ADM Dividend History
AAF Airtel Africa 3 Na Na Go to AAF Dividend History
ALW Alliance Witan 26+ 13.85% 10.50% Go to ALW Dividend History
AAL Anglo American 0 -5.98% -0.24% Go to AAL Dividend History
ANTO Antofagasta 0 -7.56% -10.51% Go to ANTO Dividend History
AHT Ashtead Group 19 17.50% 20.93% Go to AHT Dividend History
ABF Associated British Foods 3 6.33% 6.36% Go to ABF Dividend History
AZN AstraZeneca 1 2.06% 1.02% Go to AZN Dividend History
AUTO Auto Trader Group 4 7.18% Na Go to AUTO Dividend History
AV. Aviva 4 2.48% 8.41% Go to AV. Dividend History
BA. BAE Systems 20 6.46% 4.29% Go to BA. Dividend History
BP. BP 3 -5.39% -2.31% Go to BP. Dividend History
BT.A BT Group 1 -12.08% -3.37% Go to BT.A Dividend History
BARC Barclays 4 22.87% 2.60% Go to BARC Dividend History
BTRW Barratt Redrow 0 -2.37% 3.81% Go to BTRW Dividend History
BEZ Beazley 2 3.60% 4.67% Go to BEZ Dividend History
BKG Berkeley Group Holdings 0 26.87% -9.55% Go to BKG Dividend History
BATS British American Tobacco 25+ 2.69% 4.55% Go to BATS Dividend History
BLND British Land 3 -6.17% -1.77% Go to BLND Dividend History
BNZL Bunzl 24+ 6.81% 7.71% Go to BNZL Dividend History
CNA Centrica 1 -15.88% -13.20% Go to CNA Dividend History
CCH Coca Cola HBC AG 12 10.69% 11.08% Go to CCH Dividend History
CPG Compass Group 2 2.71% 6.03% Go to CPG Dividend History
CTEC ConvaTec Group 3 1.96% Na Go to CTEC Dividend History
CRDA Croda International 24+ 4.25% 5.31% Go to CRDA Dividend History
DCC DCC 25+ 6.93% 9.65% Go to DCC Dividend History
DGE Diageo 25+ 3.39% 2.52% Go to DGE Dividend History
DPLM Diploma 25+ 15.38% 13.31% Go to DPLM Dividend History
EZJ Easyjet 1 -20.01% -10.86% Go to EZJ Dividend History
EDV Endeavour Mining 1 Na Na Go to EDV Dividend History
ENT Entain 1 -11.54% -7.50% Go to ENT Dividend History
EXPN Experian 3 4.92% 4.56% Go to EXPN Dividend History
FCIT F&C Investment Trust 24+ 5.88% 5.10% Go to FCIT Dividend History
FRES Fresnillo 0 -11.29% Na Go to FRES Dividend History
GSK GSK 2 -5.28% -2.68% Go to GSK Dividend History
GAW Games Workshop Group 2 26.83% 26.01% Go to GAW Dividend History
GLEN Glencore 0 -8.25% -2.36% Go to GLEN Dividend History
HSBA HSBC Holdings 3 3.65% 2.21% Go to HSBA Dividend History
HLN Haleon 1 Na Na Go to HLN Dividend History
HLMA Halma 25+ 6.58% 6.83% Go to HLMA Dividend History
HL. Hargreaves Lansdown 2 0.57% 3.05% Go to HL. Dividend History
HIK Hikma Pharmaceuticals 12 14.58% 14.73% Go to HIK Dividend History
HSX Hiscox 2 -1.81% 4.99% Go to HSX Dividend History
HWDN Howden Joinery Group 4 12.33% 12.67% Go to HWDN Dividend History
IMI IMI 3 -6.52% -2.10% Go to IMI Dividend History
IMB Imperial Brands 4 -5.78% 1.82% Go to IMB Dividend History
INF Informa 1 -3.65% 0.67% Go to INF Dividend History
IHG InterContinental Hotels Group 2 5.90% 8.12% Go to IHG Dividend History
ICG Intermediate Capital Group 15 9.72% 14.08% Go to ICG Dividend History
IAG International Consolidated Airlines 0 -32.82% Na Go to IAG Dividend History
ITRK Intertek Group 1 4.75% 10.53% Go to ITRK Dividend History
JD. JD Sports Fashion 4 21.59% 12.75% Go to JD. Dividend History
KGF Kingfisher 0 2.76% 2.25% Go to KGF Dividend History
LAND Land Securities Group 4 2.90% 2.44% Go to LAND Dividend History
LGEN Legal & General Group 3 4.25% 7.73% Go to LGEN Dividend History
LLOY Lloyds Banking Group 3 -2.31% Na Go to LLOY Dividend History
LSEG London Stock Exchange Group 14 13.70% 15.38% Go to LSEG Dividend History
LMP Londonmetric Property 9 5.73% 4.72% Go to LMP Dividend History
MNG M&G 4 Na Na Go to MNG Dividend History
MKS Marks & Spencer Group 0 -22.49% -15.68% Go to MKS Dividend History
MRO Melrose Industries 3 2.98% 14.10% Go to MRO Dividend History
MNDI Mondi 0 -3.07% 5.84% Go to MNDI Dividend History
NG. National Grid 0 3.30% 2.90% Go to NG. Dividend History
NWG Natwest Group 5 60.80% Na Go to NWG Dividend History
NXT Next 2 5.22% 4.21% Go to NXT Dividend History
PSON Pearson 3 3.99% -7.24% Go to PSON Dividend History
PSH Pershing Square Holdings 4 10.48% Na Go to PSH Dividend History
PSN Persimmon 0 8.45% -5.88% Go to PSN Dividend History
PHNX Phoenix Group Holdings 8 2.64% 2.78% Go to PHNX Dividend History
PCT Polar Capital Technology Trust Na Na Na Na Na Go to PCT Dividend History
PRU Prudential 3 -18.37% -6.37% Go to PRU Dividend History
REL RELX 14 6.63% 9.25% Go to REL Dividend History
RKT Reckitt Benckiser Group 2 2.54% 3.66% Go to RKT Dividend History
RTO Rentokil Initial 4 14.25% 14.34% Go to RTO Dividend History
RMV Rightmove 4 6.69% 12.10% Go to RMV Dividend History
RIO Rio Tinto 0 5.62% 7.84% Go to RIO Dividend History
RR. Rolls-Royce Holdings 0 -100.00% -100.00% Go to RR. Dividend History
SSE SSE 0 -7.87% -3.49% Go to SSE Dividend History
SGE Sage Group 25+ 3.87% 5.37% Go to SGE Dividend History
SBRY Sainsbury (J) 0 3.18% -2.74% Go to SBRY Dividend History
SDR Schroders 0 1.47% 6.39% Go to SDR Dividend History
SMT Scottish Mortgage Investment Trust 25+ 6.26% 3.87% Go to SMT Dividend History
SGRO Segro 11 7.20% 7.30% Go to SGRO Dividend History
SVT Severn Trent 8 4.34% 3.75% Go to SVT Dividend History
SHEL Shell 4 -5.86% -2.97% Go to SHEL Dividend History
SN. Smith & Nephew 0 0.60% 2.96% Go to SN. Dividend History
SMIN Smiths Group 4 -0.95% 0.84% Go to SMIN Dividend History
SPX Spirax Group 24+ 9.41% 10.32% Go to SPX Dividend History
STJ St. James's Place 0 -21.91% -2.75% Go to STJ Dividend History
STAN Standard Chartered 4 6.40% -9.55% Go to STAN Dividend History
TW. Taylor Wimpey 4 4.65% 29.73% Go to TW. Dividend History
TSCO Tesco 1 13.12% 1.02% Go to TSCO Dividend History
ULVR Unilever 1 1.39% 4.43% Go to ULVR Dividend History
UTG Unite Group 4 3.89% 20.89% Go to UTG Dividend History
UU. United Utilities Group 13 3.88% 3.27% Go to UU. Dividend History
VOD Vodafone 0 -4.86% -6.79% Go to VOD Dividend History
WPP WPP 0 -8.07% 1.11% Go to WPP Dividend History
WEIR Weir Group 2 -3.79% -2.17% Go to WEIR Dividend History
WTB Whitbread 2 2.95% 4.79% Go to WTB Dividend History
Dividend History
This page shows the dividend history of FTSE 100 listed companies. The dividend history period analysed is from the year 2000 onwards.
Click on the links to view the individual company dividend histories.
Continuous Dividend Payments - indicates whether the company has made a dividend payment every year during the analysed period (or since its maiden annual dividend, whichever is later) and has not forecast to scrap future dividends.
Dividend Held or Grown - indicates whether there has been a dividend cut during the analysed period. A indicates that the company has made at least one dividend cut since the year 2000 (or has forecast to make cuts to future dividends). Click the links to see cut details.
Consecutive Years of Dividend Growth - number of years of consecutive increasing annual dividends. A + symbol after this number indicates that the company has been paying growing annual dividends longer than the history period analysed on this site.
Growth Rates - The 5 and 10 year dividend growth rates are the compound annual growth rates (CAGR) and are based on trailing tweleve month dividends. Full details of the CAGR calculations can be found by clicking on the links.