HSBC Holdings Dividend Cover - 1.93

HSBC Holdings Dividend Cover Details

Earnings Per Share (EPS)
in Previous 12 months
Year End Type EPS
Total EPS:$1.18
Total Ordinary Dividends Declared
in Previous 12 months 1
Dividend Cover
Earnings Per Share (EPS) / Total Dividends
$1.18 / $0.61
= 1.93
Dividend Payout Ratio
Total Dividends / Earnings Per Share (EPS)
$0.61 / $1.18
= 52%
A dividend cover of 1.93 means that on a trailing twelve month basis HSBA has paid out approximately 52% of its earnings as dividend payments to shareholders.

EPS figures are HSBC Holdings Basic Earnings per share figures

1 Annual Dividend Amount - This is based on HSBC Holdings trailing twelve month ordinary dividends. Full details can be found on the HSBC Holdings dividend yield page.