Vanguard U.K. Gilt UCITS ETF (GBP) Distributing Dividend Calculator

VGOV Dividend Calculator

The table below shows all upcoming and recently paid VGOV ETF dividend payments. Enter the number of Vanguard U.K. Gilt UCITS ETF (GBP) Distributing (VGOV) shares you currently hold to see the actual dividend amount received in pound sterling. Alternatively, if the number of shares you held varied in the past, then enter the number of VGOV shares you previously held for each dividend in the dividend table below.

Current VGOV Share Price: 1654.0p

A holding of 0 VGOV shares is currently worth £0

Dividend Payment
Shares Held
5.155p 23-Oct-24 £0.00
5.1404p 25-Sep-24 £0.00
6.4693p 28-Aug-24 £0.00
5.1848p 24-Jul-24 £0.00
5.0635p 26-Jun-24 £0.00
6.3874p 29-May-24 £0.00
5.011p 24-Apr-24 £0.00
4.8058p 27-Mar-24 £0.00
5.4938p 28-Feb-24 £0.00
6.1918p 31-Jan-24 £0.00
4.8507p 27-Dec-23 £0.00
5.9357p 29-Nov-23 £0.00
4.6272p 25-Oct-23 £0.00
4.6506p 27-Sep-23 £0.00
5.716p 30-Aug-23 £0.00
4.4133p 26-Jul-23 £0.00
4.3977p 28-Jun-23 £0.00
5.0816p 31-May-23 £0.00
3.9499p 26-Apr-23 £0.00
3.8557p 29-Mar-23 £0.00
3.6258p 01-Mar-23 £0.00
4.1819p 01-Feb-23 £0.00
3.222p 28-Dec-22 £0.00
3.9177p 30-Nov-22 £0.00
2.7494p 26-Oct-22 £0.00
2.6796p 28-Sep-22 £0.00
3.1724p 31-Aug-22 £0.00
2.4836p 27-Jul-22 £0.00
2.3485p 29-Jun-22 £0.00
2.8558p 01-Jun-22 £0.00
2.2689p 27-Apr-22 £0.00
2.2541p 30-Mar-22 £0.00
2.1269p 02-Mar-22 £0.00
2.585p 02-Feb-22 £0.00
2.0254p 29-Dec-21 £0.00
2.5123p 01-Dec-21 £0.00
1.9755p 27-Oct-21 £0.00

Expected Dividend Payment - This value is the gross dividend amount. In order to have received the above dividend payments you must have held shares in Vanguard U.K. Gilt UCITS ETF (GBP) Distributing on the ex-dividend date for the various dividends. All upcoming and previous VGOV ex-dividend dates can be found on the VGOV dividend page.